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Why Pollinators Are Important

June 12, 2018

Pollinator Week is June 18 to 24! Leading up to and throughout the week, we’ll be sharing posts about how you can support the pollinators that help our gardens grow! To learn more, visit

Pollinator Week begins soon – get ready to learn about how you can be kind to our garden helpers! But why should we care? Let’s learn about why pollinators are important and what we’d miss out on without them.

From The Garden To The Table

Pollinators help bring us countless crops. When pollinators have healthy populations, they can increase the size and quantity of crops – that’s means increased production per acre. One of out every three bites of food that you consume was brought to you with the help of pollinators.

Let’s Talk Numbers


The amount of money pollinators add to our global economy



The worth of the crops honey bees pollinate in the US each year



The percentage of all flowering plants on earth that need pollinators


What We’d Lose Without Pollinators

These are just a few of the many crops that we wouldn’t have if we didn’t have our pollinators:

Almonds Apples Avocados Bananas
Blueberries Chocolate Coffee Figs
Grapes Kiwis Mangos Melons
Nutmeg Peaches Pears Peppermint
Sugarcane Tequila Tomatoes Vanilla


Learn More

Get the facts on the Pollinator Partnership website.

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